
1. FC Tatran Presov - MFK Ruzomberok 0:0

In the twenty-second round of the Fortuna league played Ružomberok in Poprad with Tatran Prešov.
0:0 (0:0)
Futbalový štadión NTC Poprad
22. kolo, 14:00
FC Tatran Prešov vs MFK Ružomberok

FC Tatran Prešov: Lukáč - Petko, Udeh, Luberda, Bartek - Dzurík - Streňo (80. Špyrka), Katona (87. Gatarič), Keresteš, Kačala (46. Sedlák) - Hošek

MFK Ružomberok: Macík - Jonec, J. Maslo, Menich - Daniel, Kostadinov (46. Gerec), Qose, Pikk (77. Gal Andrezly), Ľupták - Haskič, Gešnábel (85. Čapek)

Yellow cards: 20. Keresteš, 45+2. Udeh, 77. Streňo - 31. Jonec  

Referees: Ochotnický – Slyško, Poláček

Spectators: 185


In the third minute Macík caught Katona´s attempt. After four minutes domestic defender blocked Daniel´s shot. In the nineteenth minute Haskić just missed the target from behind the penalty area. About twenty-one minutes later Lukáč tipped dangerous Pikk´s shot in a big chance.

In the fifty-third minute Daniel hit the crossbar. After five minutes Lukáč caught Qose´s shot from behind the penalty area. In the sixty-third minute domestic goalie caught next Qose´s attempt. About four minutes later Lukáč tipped Haskić´s shot and subsequently he caught Ľupták´s attempt from behind the penalty area. The match ended in a draw 0:0 and Ružomberok moved to the group of the first six teams.